Frequently Asked Questions


First off, Remove any personalized items in the house (Photos, Sports memorabilia, Trophies, Religious pieces) Declutter the space, the magic number for grouping decorations is 3. Book yourself a hotel for the weekend and get out, its good for you and for the potential buyers looking to come to tour your house.

How Fast you can sell your house is completely up to two factors. One is how well the house is priced and the visibility it has to potential buyers.

The price of your listing will be dependent on the condition of your home in comparison to the properties surrounding it in a certain time period typically 3-6 months depending on the market.  

Most of the cost associated with selling your home are taken on by our real estate team as far as marketing and visibility. Any cost that the seller incurs will be tied into repairs agreed upon by you and your listing agent and the cost that goes with hiring them.

Every hour and every minute of every day. Our team has a open line of communication with our sellers every step of the way and are always available to answer any questions that arise along the way. 


Talk to a lender, Lenders don’t get paid per consultation, they get paid when you close so there is no disadvantage of taking advantage of the advice of a trusted realtor. If you need a recommendation we can help.

On average, from ratification date, roughly 30-45 days sometimes less depending on contingencies and the rate the lender can receive and review docs. From the looking to close state it takes as long as it would for us to nail down the right property and terms.

Typically a buyers market is when there is 5 months of inventory or more. One to three is sellers market four to six is neutral and six on is buyers but conservatively based on the current market we are seeing anything over 5 is a buyers market.

The higher credit score the better rate that you can get but if you want to know how to get in the game. You can play ball as low as 580.

You can go as low as 0. Talk to a lender about your options.

This is definitely a personal question. I’ve shown as little as one that has gotten ratified and also i’ve shown 14 before ratifying. In theory the more specific and in detail you can relay your goals and needs to your realtor will more clearly allow them to show you the homes that fit your needs.

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